Thursday 29 March 2007

Ten... Four... Precisely

The Mark Radcliffe interview with Genesis was interesting, but spoilt by his interspersing it with non-relevant music. One song in particular was dreadful. I'm still gonna miss him when he goes, though...

Everyone - Van Morrison. On first hearing this album (Moondance) I wasn't terribly impressed - I thought it was a bit light-weight. However, I now recognise it for its genius mix of rock/blues/folk/jazz, and its probably my favourite Van Morrison album,
The Gunner's Dream - Pink Floyd. The best thing on The Final Cut. Just beautiful,
Untitled 2 - Sigur Ros, from (),
Coda: Marine 475 - King Crimson,
Amelia - Wayne Cochran's CC Riders, from the superb Punk Jazz Jaco Pastorius compilation,
Pulstar - Vangelis. A true pioneer of electronic music. I must have about 30 LPs of his, mostly from the 60s, 70s and 80s,
The Power to Believe II - King Crimson,
Afterglow - Genesis,
... In That Quiet Earth - Genesis,
Sincerely - fIREHOSE,
You're The One - Kate Bush,
Fire and Rain - James Taylor,
Kiss - Judee Sill. I'm going to miss 'The Sounds of the Seventies' too, when it moves to midnight.

The Danny Baker All Day Breakfast is proving to be less frequent that I'd like, although I guess it's entirely up to him when it's made and released. Still, it's a bit frustrating, as it's brilliant.

T - 4; M - 4; D -3

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