Tuesday 20 March 2007

I See Red

Back to my GP to have my knee sorted out. Apparently the nurse who removed my stitches didn't dress the wound properly. Great.

I've just discovered Danny Baker's All Day Breakfast podcast. Nor dissimilar from his BBC London show, therefore just to my taste... If this gets to be a daily thing, then my future commutes will mostly be spent listening to this, which might change the character of this blog.

Songs on my 'Colours' playlist today. Not an exact science, as words ending in -red (see flowered) also show up. What the hell, it's just an intersting way to do this...

Goodbye Blue Sky - Pink Floyd,
Outside Woman Blues - Cream,
Songs in Red and Gray - Suzanne Vega,
Blue Melody - Tim Buckley,
Fourteen Black Paintings - Peter Gabriel,
Sir Lancelot and the Black Knight - Rick Wakeman,
Flowered Knife Shadows - Harold Budd,
Red Lenses - Rush,
Answered Prayers - David Sylvian,
Black Market Blood - Placebo,
Red Stuff Writhe - Roger Waters and Ron Geesin,
White Russian - Marillion

Almost finished 'Cloud Atlas'. I had very high expectations of this book, which haven't quite been met. The structure of the book(s) is novel, although the overlap between them is minimal and really just superficial. Also, by the time I get to the second half of the first story, I'll have forgotten what's going on. The common theme of man's inhumanity to man, and the dry humour used, is very good though.

T - 4; M - 4; D - 3

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