Monday 12 February 2007


I had a strange semi-dream when I was woken by the dulcet tones of Danny Baker. He seemed to be talking about a new show, which may or may not have been on Radio 2. I fell asleep again but woke and got up half an hour later, having convinced myself that Mr Baker had been re-instated to the BBC London breakfast show, to replace the current shambles. However, it was business as usual... What's going on?

Mark Kermode this morning, then difficulty finding music to match my mood. After flitting through all sorts of stuff, I settled on the anarchy of King Crimson's 'Earthbound'. Wow, what a record. The contrast between this live recording and Gentle Giant's is massive, but the raw power comes through. I have a LP copy which, if it weren't scratched to buggery (surface noise mainly, although the source material is so poor it's hard to tell) would be worth quite a bit, apparently.

I'll record the last Mixing It and the Radio 2 Folk Awards (Pentangle) today, as well as the Radio 7 Doctor Who.

T - 4; M - 3; D - 3

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