Tuesday 3 April 2007

Misters Like You Give Me A Bad Name

A trip to the dentist this morning, bu the Northern Line was playing up as well, so a very late arrival at work. Good job there's no-one here...

Half-term, so lots of bewildered tourists dragging wheeled suitcases and sugar-filled children around. Can't wait for my journey home.

Even more 'Not Classical or Spoken':

2 Harmonic Studies - Brian Eno, from his very interesting Bell Studies album,
Wings (Poem) - Harold Budd, from 'Dawn's Early Light',
Excuse Me Mister - John Martyn,
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) - Genesis,
Alone In His Shoes - Jansen/Barbieri/Karn,
Keep On Loving You - REO Speedwagon,
Macrovelux Deluxremux - Bass Communion,
Passive Aggresive - Placebo,
Un Coucher De Soleil Accroche Dans Les Abres - Gabriel Yared, from the Betty Blue soundtrack,
The Cliffs Thrown Down - fIREHOSE,
Pigs on the Wing Pt1 - Pink Floyd,
Finnegan's Wake - Clancy Brothers,
Timing - Gentle Giant,
Half The World - Rush, from the fairly mediocre 'Test for Echo' album; there's a new album due out next month which sounds a lot more interesting,
Hazelville - Captain, first heard on Mark Radcliffe's show. I will really miss the show when it moves to 8pm,
Song of the Whale Pt1 - Tangerine Dream.

T - 3, although there really was no rush his morning; M - 4; D - 3

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