Thursday 19 April 2007

Northtube doubleplusungood

Shambolic Tube this morning, with huge gaps between trains. Getting on at the end of line has huge advantages, not least guaranteeing a seat...

Chance to listen to lots of recent purchases:

I Could - Conspiracy. I still don't get Chris Squire's penchant for this MOR/AOR stuff,
Sounds of Silver - LCD Soudsystems. I still haven't decided whether this is really good; the voice/lyrics are putting me off,
The Actor - Moody Blues. Summery psychedelia,
To The Unknown Man - Vangelis. Finally, a full version (from Spiral) of this; the CD compilations I have feature a truncated version, which, after years of listening to the LP, seem odd,
Us v Them - LCD Soundsystem. See above,
Say - Jon Anderson,
Black Mirror - The Arcade Fire. This album is definitely growing on me...
Banquet - Joni Mitchell. It's always soothing to hear her voice, particularly in a pack train,
Yin and Yang - Vangelis,
07 - Vangelis, from an early work 'Sexpower',
Little Black Rocks in the Sun - Add N to (X),
Follow You, Follow Me (live) - Genesis,
Children of the Sun - Hawkwind. Mellow, man,
Calling all Stations - Genesis. On this track, the singer sounds a lot like Peter Gabriel. The album's not great, but it's okay,
So Young - Suede,
Soon - Yes; the coda to 'The Gates of Delerium'. The calm after the storm,
Doubleplusgood - Eurythmics, from '1984'. Splendid stuff. I read the book again a year or two ago, and it's still shocking.
Meet Me On The Corner - Lindisfarne.

T - 2.5, M - 4, D - 3

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