Thursday 19 April 2007

Kiss My Yarbles

Just finished Burgess' 'A Clockwork Orange', from the 'Independent' Banned Books series. I was surprised how short it was. Compare it to today's lumpen works, which must be seen to give value for money at 300 pages plus...

Great book, although the language takes some getting used to. I actually picked most of it up before I realised there was a glossary in the back. The ultraviolence depicted is shocking, particularly the encounter in the record shop with the two girls, but the narrative is great and the cycle of anarchy and redemption under the gaze of a Big Brother-type system is just about credible, and becoming more so, I fear.

Next book will be Ian Rankin - I've read a couple of the Rebus novels, but would like to start from No.1 in the series to get the full effect.

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