Wednesday 29 November 2006

Tuesday, Wednesday Break My Heart

Delays on the way home, more delays this morning.

Apparently '...there are minor delays on the Northern Line, the Circle and District Lines and the Victoria Line, with part suspensions of the Piccadilly and Central Lines. All other lines are running normally.' So that'll be the Metropolitan and East London, then, would it? F***ing idiots. According to LT's website, some of the the delays were due to 'unavailability of staff'. Nice one.

One of last night's free papers (I think it was the londonpaper, or whatever's it's ungrammatically called) had a list of favourite 'chill-out' tracks on the Tube for winding down after a day's droning. Many of these tracks were ambient-ish (some Sigur Ros, some Eno, and a few classical stuff), and I'm surprised. Whenever I try listening to anything ambient, all I get is train noise in tunnels.

Today, I shuffled all songs between 3 and 5 minutes long. Of the 5231 that I currently have fitting this criterion, this gave me:

The Fear - Travis; I like this band, but in small doses
An Inmate's Lullaby - Gentle Giant; great band
Orchid 7 - Paddy McAloon from his excellent 'I Trawl The Megahertz' album
The Cat - some funky organ from Jimmy Smith
Speed King (demo version) - Deep Purple
The Everlasting Gaze - Smashing Pumpkins; just been introduced to this band and they're OK
It Covers The Hillsides - Midlake; another recent find - 'Roscoe' is great
Backwaters - David Sylvian, from his first solo LP, 'Brilliant Trees'
Tell Me Why - Genesis; a weak track from 'We Can't Dance'
Silver Rainbow - more Genesis; one of the better tracks from a poor album
Sweet Jane - Velvet Underground
River People - Weather Report - go Jaco!
The King of the Golden Hall - from the LOTR soundtrack
Witchy Woman - The Eagles
I Must Have Been Blind - This Mortal Coil from the superb 'Filigree & Shadow' album
The Dry-Cleaner from De Moines (live) - Joni Mitchell - go Jaco!
Friday I'm In Love - The Cure
The Passenger - Kings of Convenience; so much more than dinner party music
'84 Pontiac Dream - Boards of Canada
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac; everyone's heard this 50 times, but it still stands up
Mister Class and Quality - Gentle Giant

Not a bad track among them, really, for a morning commute.

M 4; T 2; D 3 (too crowded to behave well)

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