Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Sombre Mammals

After last night's extraordinary journey, a sombre, downcast commute. Everybody seemed really fed-up, probably due to the weather and the prospect of another Tuesday stretching before them like a great shoe with its lights on.

I had work to do today, so didn't spend much time wrapped in my 'Pod. When I did get round to some music, I went for my 'Eno etc.' playlist:

Die Bunge - Cluster/Eno,
Intenser - Eno/Schwalm,
Sombre Reptiles - Eno,
Like Pictures Pt1 - Eno/Schwalm,
Lyra - Fripp/Eno,
Rising Thermal - Hassell/Eno,
On Some Faraway Beach - Eno,
ZawinulLava - Eno.

I finished off the latest 'All Day Breakfast Show' as well, on the walk from Tube to work. Trying to grow a beard, indeed - wasn't that a Frank Zappa lyric?

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